Life On A Quarter Acre

Scaeva affinis (White-bowed Smoothwing)

Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
On Big Sagebrush flowers
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
This adult emerged from a pupa that formed from a larva that I collected from an aphid-infested Ocean Spray bush. Larva Pupa ...
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
This pupa formed from this larva. I'm keeping it to see what emerges.
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)

On Ocean Spray bush infected with Aphids.

20 mm

Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)
On Big Sagebrush
Scaeva affinis
(White-bowed Smoothwing)